
Spayka panel radiator

تاسیسات حرارتی و برودتی
  • EntityId : 883661
  • SmallCode : 32508
  • Category : تاسیسات حرارتی و برودتی
  • Activities :
    تاسیسات حرارتی و برودتی (453007)
  • Update Date : 2022-09-11
  • Quality Score : 0.514
  • Participated in Plan Ads : False
  • Plan Adv : 0 (None - فاقد پلان)
  • Plan Adv Has Follow Link : False
  • Plan Adv Keywords :

  • Quality Score Detail

  • Address : 1  /  1
  • DetailedAddress : 0.5  /  0.5
  • Phone : 1  /  1
  • Website : 0  /  1
  • Email : 0.5  /  0.5
  • PostalCode : 0  /  1
  • SocialMedia : 0.5  /  0.5
  • Location : 2  /  2
  • LogoOrCoverImage : 1  /  1
  • MoreImages : 1  /  1
  • Description : 1  /  1
  • LongDescription : 0  /  0.5
  • Services : 0  /  1
  • Slogan : 0.5  /  0.5
  • UpdatedInPastYear : 0  /  0.5
  • ParticipatedInPlanAds : 0  /  0.5
  • CommentEnable : 0  /  2
اطلاعات تماس
  • آدرس :
  • تلفن :
  • تلفن همراه :
  • ایمیل :
  • صفحات اجتماعی :
Specifications and features of White Panel radiator
Production quality in line with the latest technology in the world
Classic and eye-catching design
More compatibility with different types of packages due to the special type of steel alloy
Reduce the number of ventilation times compared to aluminum vane radiators)
Has energy grade B.
Covered by Iran Damage Insurance up to 5 million Tomans for each radiator block for 5 years
12 year replacement warranty against decay
Used sheets according to st12 13 standard with a thickness of 1.1 mm
Production at height
50 cm
55 cm
60 cm
نظرات کاربران

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